Keeping Pace in a Digital World

Once, digital disruption was seen as an extinction event. Now, it’s a continuous process. Constant innovation is the only way to outpace competitors and keep up with change.

The challenge: Building a digitally competent business is hard.

Silos, talent shortages, data quality issues, and outdated processes hinder transformation. And while you’re battling these problems, you can’t lose sight of the operations currently generating revenue.

When you're in the midst of a digital transformation, Wekihost can serve as a guide and fresh set of eyes. With sharp intelligence, keen curiosity, and a unique perspective on emerging technologies, we're here to chart a roadmap for your digital future.

Wholesome Case Study

Case Study

See How a Rebrand Prepared
Wholesome for a Bright Future

Wholesome Sweeteners needed greater visibility for their brand. Our team refreshed their image and helped them stand out.

Working with a digital transformation consultant

Selecting a team to work on business-critical projects is no easy decision, but there are must-have qualities for an effective partner:

Digital-first. Digital isn’t just about technology – it’s a set of philosophies and practices that influence how and why you work. Your digital transformation partner isn’t going to ‘get it’ unless they’re digitally immersed.

Range of skills. Vision and brainpower are non-negotiable, but you need a team of thinkers with a strong bias for action. UX experts, designers, copywriters, data scientists, and developers can ensure ideas are practical and help you follow through.

Generate ideas. A good partner will come with many ideas. A great partner will maximize all the resources at your disposal, collaborating to unlock ideas your employees and customers didn’t know they had.

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Our Digital Transformation Process

In a digital transformation project, you can’t plan the solution until you define the problem. While every engagement is different, we draw on a toolkit that has successfully driven previous change initiatives.

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Digital Audit

Mapping the Landscape

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Innovation Workshop

Joining Forces

An innovation workshop brings our team and yours together in a structured process with open-minded facilitation. The goal is to frame a business problem and generate ideas to solve it.

By drawing on a diversity of expertise and thinking styles, and exploring ideas fearlessly, we can generate fresh possibilities and refine our strongest ideas.

We prioritize ideas based on their value to the organization and readiness to be realized, further developing high-value, ready-to-implement projects with tools like a Business Model Canvas.

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Innovation Workshop

Minimum Viable Product

Turning Ideas into Action

Change initiatives can generate plenty of ideas but little action. Thankfully, Wekihost is an implementation partner as well as an ideas partner.

Once we have priority ideas, we start defining a minimum viable product - the version of your idea that delivers the most customer satisfaction with the least possible initial effort and expense. We determine what the MVP would look like and what it would take to develop it.

Once we understand this, we move into project management: cost estimates, dependencies, budgets, and resources, and we're ready to start making it a reality.

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Insights + Concept

Unifying our research

Our strategy deliverable organizes our recommendations into an intuitive, 4-stage framework. The first stage, insights, lays out what we’ve learned and how it will inform the rest of the project.

We move directly from insights into the second stage, the brand concept. This is where we explore stylistic territories at a high level, narrowing down a direction and charting a course for future exploration.

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Putting Your Brand in Words

A verbal identity is the result of many components: vision, tone, values, mission, voice and tone, and more. To create yours, our strategy and writing experts unite their knowledge and experience.

Our role is not limited to creating the different parts of your identity, but also to link them in a powerful story that can be told across different channels to your employees, partners, customers, and the whole world.

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Visualizing your brand transformation

Once we have the story, we can start to tell it visually. Our gifted designers can equip you with all the assets your brand needs to look its best – everything from logo design and usage, to brand palette, photography and social media direction, to the creation of brand collateral for your sales and marketing teams to show off.

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Activation & Outlook

Moving toward the future

Having a dialogue with our clients is essential as we hone your brand vision into something your team believes in. That’s why every brand strategy is presented to the client with ample time allowed for feedback. Post-presentation, our team is standing by to put plans into action and take the next step toward branding transformation.

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