Why Brands Need a Digital Strategy

Businesses today differentiate not on product or price, but on the quality of the experience they deliver. And the customer experience is increasingly digital.

If you can impress demanding customers with a frictionless journey, you will win their favor, engagement, and market share. But the question is: what do your customers actually want?

Over 17 years of experience has shown us one thing: quality digital experiences need a strategy guiding them. We have helped numerous clients to create actionable digital roadmaps, launch new websites, and create applications and experiences that help them compete and succeed.

Syneos Case Study

We merged and reimagined 30+ websites to introduce Syneos Health, the world’s first fully integrated biopharma solutions organization.

Forming a Successful Strategy Partnership

When you commit to working with a team on digital strategy, you want to be confident they know what they’re doing. In our years developing strategies, we understand what clients need from a strategic team:

Engagement.Curiosity is the mark of a strong strategic partnership – your strategy team should show a deep interest in your business and your customers from day one.

Ingenuity.Your strategists shouldn’t be afraid to apply past experience – that’s part of their value – but they should demonstrate the ability to meet unique problems with truly unique solutions.

Actionable Thinking.Your team should make a point to follow “This is what we can do…” with “…and this is how we do it.” Good strategists are always weighing risk and reward, gauging what’s feasible and what isn’t.

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Our Digital Strategy Framework

Our approach to strategy is fundamentally curious. We listen and learn. And once we have a full picture, we use our experience to build a brilliant strategy.

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Our process starts with the client. Frank conversations about a brand's status are essential for creating a logo that reflects or positively changes the brand's identity. Questions about the brand's external and internal perception, identity, and aspirations, as well as the competitive space, serve as a compass as we move toward research, ideation, and logo creation.

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Competitor Analysis

Sizing Up Your Rivals

No business operates in a vacuum. That's why we take your competitors very seriously. Understanding who is in the market, how they're setting customer expectations, and where opportunities to stand out exist is crucial to delivering a digital experience that sets you apart from the rest.

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Audience Research

Our team prioritizes audience research throughout the brand strategy process. To enable us to speak to your audience with a human approach, we create personas - representative user profiles that paint a picture of the different types of people your brand will be speaking to, and how your new brand will connect with them. These personas are based on all the data and research compiled on the project so far.

We take every step of our strategy process seriously, but we're obsessed with understanding what drives your audience. No part of the process is more important.

Often, the outcome of audience research comes in the form of personas - audience profiles that identify who customers are and what they expect from your digital experience. Personas are based on a range of data, including analytics, social intelligence, user testing, and client-provided information. They help us focus on what visitors want and how they'll navigate your digital experience.

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Building a Strategy

Insight becomes tangible

Building a strategy is a collective endeavor. Strategy, design, UX, and content experts come together to turn research into a concise plan for your digital brand. We value a multidisciplinary approach because problems (or their solutions) rarely fit neatly within boundaries.

This is where problems are parsed and big questions find answers. And because we build digital experiences ourselves, we don't just describe what you should do, but also how it can be achieved.

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Presentation and Implementation

Moving forward

We present every strategy to each client, being ready to answer any questions and further explain how we make our decisions. After the initial presentation, the team remains on hand, ready to offer clarification, answer questions, and plan the next steps to set the new experience in motion.

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