HAVI: The Comprehensive Solution for a Worldwide Supply Chain Titan

Webdesign Project 103

Renowned for its presence in over 100 nations, HAVI stands as a beacon of adeptness in bridging the intricacies of multifaceted global supply chains. When corporations confront formidable obstacles in realms like supply chain management, logistics, packaging, or marketing analytics, HAVI is their go-to solution. For instance, if you've ever indulged in a meal at McDonald's, it's thanks to a supply chain refined and optimized by HAVI.
In the wake of a fresh rebrand and an invigorated ambition to expand their clientele, HAVI sought BFM's expertise to unify their multiple online presences. Their aspiration was to manifest as a singular, globally-integrated entity to potential clients and the wider audience.

The Challenge

HAVI's extensive services were scattered across a minimum of five disparate websites, each brandishing its distinct brand identity and logo. Every site was a reservoir of substantial content that required meticulous evaluation, restructuring, or possible elimination.

This dispersed landscape meant clients, often availing one specific service, remained oblivious to the comprehensive spectrum of HAVI's offerings. Each service, though integral, was multifaceted and presented a challenge to elucidate individually, let alone portray their interconnectedness.

To compound the dilemma, HAVI's websites weren't always optimized for lead capture. The conspicuous absence of engaging calls to action, especially on homepages, meant visitors frequently exited prematurely, without initiating contact or delving deeper.

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The Approach Armed with a well-defined, pragmatic approach, meticulous planning, and a fusion of insightful content with intentional design, we successfully crafted a revamped website primed for effective lead generation.

Strategic Planning

Our holistic website approach zeroed in on three pivotal aspects: transitioning the revamped HAVI brand to a digital platform; establishing a conversion trajectory while outlining user navigation routes; and constructing a website framework that harmoniously blended various sub-brands.

In preparation for this, we embarked on an extensive audit of the content on the current sites, ensuring that every piece of content was meticulously factored into our planning and structural design.

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Outstanding Design

Transitioning HAVI’s refined visual brand onto their website necessitated a representation of their distinct business ethos and unwavering dedication to customer service.

We curated a design that was both pristine and uniform, displaying data in an easy-to-comprehend manner. Special emphasis was given to highlight supplementary or correlated services, coupled with striking calls to action, primed for lead capture.

Unified Vision

The multifaceted content from several websites had to echo a singular cohesive voice. By marrying skillful writing, meticulous editing, and transformative reshaping, we distilled HAVI's expansive services into easily comprehensible narratives and ensured uniformity in presentation across all services.

To illustrate the cumulative strength of HAVI’s offerings, we crafted an interactive infographic for the homepage. This visual guide effectively bridged potential customers' queries to the overarching advantages of HAVI’s services throughout the supply chain, offering an immersive introduction to the brand.

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By consolidating its vast array of services into one website and showcasing a unified brand image, HAVI is now optimally poised to attract leads, expand its business, and enhance its visibility among potential employees — another crucial demographic.

Our collaboration continues as we oversee the site's ongoing development and upkeep. Currently, we're adding multi-language capabilities to foster more profound global interactions.

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