The challenge of meeting audience expectations

Today's audience is empowered by connected technologies - and bombarded with marketing messages. It's harder than ever to be heard above the noise.

It's harder than ever to be heard above the noise.

Even conversion-focused brands need to think about building and maintaining a loyal audience to guard against commoditization or disruption.

To build such a brand, you need a story.

And to shape that story, you need a strategy.

Wekihost leverages our digital experience, analytics expertise, and creative talent to construct marketing strategies that deliver exceptional results.

In a landscape of disruption, our team blends the art and science of strategy, seizing opportunities through actionable insights and powerful storytelling.

DeerCreek Case Study

Case Study

How smart digital marketing drove

Audience research, interest-based targeting, and hard-hitting creativity enabled Sony to clear the shelves of an innovative product.

How an effective strategy partner operates

Marketing strategically takes a team. It requires deep insights coupled with varied expertise. A solid marketing strategy partner :

Takes a pragmatic approach.Blue sky strategies that don't suit your organization or your customers lead to mediocre results. By exploring what's possible for your brand right now, your agency can uncover opportunities for what's next.

Understands your customers.Your strategists should obsess over every nuance of your ideal customer - their motivations, behaviors, and decisions.

Actively monitors and optimizes.Having a strategy is important, but knowing when to adjust it is too. If your agency isn't evolving your marketing strategy based on data, you could be wasting precious time and resources.

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Our marketing strategy process

Our experience in creating data-driven marketing strategies and journeys enables us to effectively serve our clients across a wide range of industries.

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Data gathering and analysis

Uncovering the cold hard facts

Data is at the heart of every marketing strategy. By gathering data from all available sources - first-party data, performance of previous campaigns, competitor research, customer interviews, surveys, etc. - we get to know your audience, identify challenges, and start to formulate ideas.

We may formalize and document our analysis in the form of an audit that contains our key findings and conclusions.

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UX Design

Crafting the experience

Supported by a foundation of client and audience insights, our UX team creates personas and user journeys - research-based tools that describe who will use your app and how. Clear task flows help to define exactly what features are needed to guide users throughout their journeys.

An app map charts out the experience, screen by screen, using wireframes. These help you to visualize the layout and understand key user interactions.

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Audience and competitor research

Digging deeper into your market

Attracting an audience requires understanding their needs and challenges. Through in-depth audience research, we uncover the issues your audience faces and what motivates them, so we can connect with them and leave a lasting impression.

Your competitors are hungry for the same customers. Our team carries out a competitive analysis of the landscape and begins to identify the advantages your business can leverage.

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Strategy development

Blending art and science

Data is essential, but the real challenge is to find opportunities and generate insights, identifying new imaginative ways to build, engage, and convert your key audiences. Our brilliant marketing strategists do all this and more.

Your strategy is distilled into a presentation that diagnoses the challenges your brand is facing, outlines the insights underpinning our solution, and provides a roadmap.


Channel planning

Marketing in the right place, in the right way

Whatever combination of paid, owned, and earned media channels we recommend, Wekihost uses data and experience to assess where your marketing will have the most impact. We will then craft a marketing plan to fully leverage each of these channels.

We will then craft a marketing plan to fully leverage each of these channels.


Creative brief

Connecting your audience to your brand

When you're ready to implement our strategy, we can also help. And whatever direction our strategy takes, we have the tools and expertise to execute it.

If we recommend new asset creation, we'll use our strategy to create visually captivating and journey-focused content, turning our insights into standout marketing executions.


Evaluation and optimization

Making improvements by measuring performance

Wherever possible, we avoid treating strategies as set in stone. Digital marketing is iterative and a strategy should be alive. We strive to regularly review marketing strategies to take into account new data, evaluate whether the market has evolved, and adjust course accordingly.

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